Case Study

Powdered Metals

CryoCut 2.5™ Benefits

Cryo-machining of Fully Sintered Worm Gear

Currently, parts are machined in the pre-sintered condition CryoCut 2.5™-assisted machining was in the fully sintered condition, resulting in elimination of an intermediate process.

With CryoCut 2.5™, cutting speed was increased by 87% over the current baseline condition on pre-sintered parts.

Cryo-machining of Hoeganaes Sinterhardened Alloy (FLC2 4808)

The Hoeganaes sinterhardened alloy tested, was a FLC 4808 alloy (Ancorsteel 737 + 2%Cu + 0.9% Graphite) with no machining additives. Dry cutting with PCBN tools is the preferred machining option.

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7476 Industrial Park Way, Macungie, PA 18062

(908) 413-4890

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