Case Study
Medical Materials, Cobalt Chrome & TitaniumCryoCut 2.5™ Benefits
Machining of Wrought Co-Cr with LIN/Al2O3
In the ID operation, Al2O3 inserts performed successfully, even with mild interruptions.

Machining of Cast Cobalt Chrome
Stems (50 HRc)
Part: Cobalt Chrome Stem (1.310” dia)
Operation(s): OD Turning
Tooling: CNGA433/DNGA 432 whisker ceramic insert
Depth of Cut: 0.100” (rough), 0.010” (finish)
Feed: 0.005” /rev. Speed: 330 SFM
MRR Improvement: 243% (rough), 296% (finish)
Cut Time (ICT): 4 min. (rough), 1 min. (finish)
A combination of liquid nitrogen (LIN) coolant and minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) vegetable oil proved to be the optimal solution.
Depth of cut notch was very severe with flood coolant and would ultimately cause fracture of the nose, in addition to trailing edge wear.

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