Introducing CryoCut
Welcome to the web site of Industrial Cryogenic Technologies, LLC, seller of the revolutionary CryoCut cryogenic delivery system.
Case Studies
What Is Cryogenic/LIN Machining?
Cryogenic/LIN machining is the application of a small jet of liquid nitrogen (LIN) or a controlled-temperature mixture of LIN and gaseous nitrogen (GAN) to the cutting zone. This process replaces standard flood-cooled or dry cutting operations. Temperatures in a range of 32˚ F to -321˚ F can be maintained.
What Are The Benefits Of This Process?
- Removes heat from the cutting zone.
- Increases the insert’s hardness and toughness by keeping it at cryogenic temperatures.
- Improves surface and substrate hardness, and reduces residual stresses, through quenching of the as-machined surface.
- Allows for the skipping of steps in the manufacturing process.
- Reduces the need for secondary cleaning or deburring of parts.
- Enables hard-turning instead of grinding.

Will It Work With My Application?
CryoCut can be used on hardened steels and irons, heat treated powdered metals, hard metal matrix composites (carbides, ceramics, and weld overlays), medical materials (implanted metal components, polymers, HDPE, UHMWPE, PEEK) and many types of composites. CryoCut can be fitted to standard machine tools and interfaced to CNC machine tools through the spare M-codes feature. The CryoCut unit is compact and built on rollers for ease of use.
Contact Us
Our normal business hours are 8 AM to 5 PM Eastern time, Monday through Friday. Outside these hours, telephone inquiries may be directed to (908) 413-4890.